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The Department of Science, as part of the Office of Elementary Education and Reading, and the Office of Secondary Education, is responsible for providing support to teachers and schools throughout the state in the implementation of the 2018 Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards (MS CCRS) for Science. The staff in the Department of Science develop resources for teachers, deliver statewide and school-based professional development, and support schools in the alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment.


2018 Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Science


Teaching and Learning Resources


Assessment Resources and Documents


Professional Development Support and Resources


Special Events in Science


Organizations and Awards


Science Curriculum Extensions and Enhancements


Stay Informed

The MDE sends important announcements to Mississippi public school teachers and administrators every Tuesday afternoon via the MDE EdUpdate Newsletter. If you are not receiving the EdUpdate, you may subscribe to be added to MDE’s EdUpdate email list.

Dr. Kevin L. Gaylor

K-12 Science Director