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Arts: Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts

The mission of arts education in Mississippi is to ensure that students know and experience the uniqueness of the arts, understand themselves and their world by creating, expressing, and communicating meaning through the arts, and value the arts as humanity’s most essential and universal language transcending culture, time, and place.
The Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Arts Learning Standards for Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that students need for success in college and careers and to compete in the global economy. The Arts standards also serve to empower and inspire arts educators and their students to explore the many facets of the arts and prepare them for a lifetime of engagement with art forms.
Ensuring a Well-Rounded Education means that all students have access to and the opportunity to experience high-quality instruction in the Arts (Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts).

Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Arts Learning Standards

Note: It is recommended to print the following documents in color.

For approved course codes for "The Arts" (Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts) visit Approved Course Codes for Elementary and Secondary Schools of Mississippi

Dance (PreK-12)

Media Arts (PreK-12)

Music (PreK-12)

Theatre (PreK-12)

Visual Arts (PreK-12)



The Mississippi Department of Education has developed Recommendations for PreK-12th Grade Arts Education guidance for maintaining access to safe and meaningful arts experiences, arts educators will continue to support the artistic, academic, and social-emotional development of students, schools, and communities across Mississippi.


Training Resources

Technology Resources

Artistic Literacy

To be literate in the arts, students need specific knowledge and skills in a particular arts discipline to a degree that allows for fluency and deep understanding. In all the arts this means discovering the expressive elements and knowing the terminology that is used to comprehend an art form. Students should also have a clear sense of embodying that art form and be able to reflect, critique, and connect personal experience to the arts.

Arts Integration

The Mississippi Department of Education values arts integration which is an approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form in all subject areas. According to the Kennedy Center, Arts Integration promotes student engagement in a creative process in subjects outside the arts. This integration connects an art form and another subject area and meets evolving objectives in both.

Professional Development Opportunities

Mississippi Whole Schools is a comprehensive statewide arts education program that uses arts as a vehicle for promoting high-quality instruction and learning for students in all disciplines. The Mississippi Whole Schools program provides statewide support to teachers on integrating the arts to provide learning opportunities to improve students’ academic achievement through the integration of the arts into the core curriculum.


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The MDE sends important announcements to Mississippi public school teachers and administrators every Tuesday afternoon via the MDE EdUpdate Newsletter. If you are not receiving the EdUpdate, you may subscribe to be added to MDE’s EdUpdate email list.

Mr. Limeul Eubanks

Pre-K -12 Arts and World Languages Director