The vast majority of data in MSIS will be ingested directly from district vendors. Below you will find API specifications and spreadsheets with element details and definitions.
Please note that MSIS is under development and the documentation and endpoints are subject to change. If you have any questions, please email
Student Information System Data
Student Information System Data includes the following types of information:
- LEA and School general information
- Annual academic calendar
- Student demographics, including transportation and lunch status
- Student enrollment and attendance
- Student academic record (year-end)
- Parent/Guardian records
- Course sections and grades
- Incidents and disciplinary actions
Major changes and submission timelines
Specific Element and Option Set changes for SIS vendors
K12 Organization: Element Details and Definitions
K12 Student: Element Details and Definitions
K12 Student Attendance: Element Details and Definitions
K12 Student Academic Record: Element Details and Definitions
Discipline: Element Details and Definitions
Special Education Data
Special Education Data includes the following types of information:
- Roster/Child Count
- IEP Data
- Evaluating Data
- Early Learning Outcomes
Personnel Data
Personnel Data includes the following types of information:
- Employment information, including salaries and funding sources
- Staff assignments and titles
- Staff contact and demographic information
K12 Staff: Element Details and Definitions
Work Area Codes: 24-25SY Work Area Codes Catalog
Updated May 31, 2024