Indicator 7: Preschool Outcomes
Indicator 7 of the SPP/APR measures the percentage of children ages 3-5 who demonstrate improvement in three early childhood outcomes:
- positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships),
- acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication and early literacy), and
- use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.
Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Procedures Manual – outlines the process used by Mississippi for determining and documenting outcomes for Indicator 7
COS Form – for completing entry and exit ratings
COS Family Flyer – to be given to families during initial discussion of COS process
COS Process State Webinar Modules 1 and 2
COS Process State Webinar Modules 3 and 4
COS Process State Webinar Modules 5 and 6
COS Process State Webinar Modules 7 and 8
National Online Training Modules for Child Outcome Summary Process